The landing gear valves allow the filling and the bleeding of the hydraulic circuits, they guarantee the best sealing of the system as well as an extreme reliability of the valve function.
The landing gear hydraulic valves are available in several versions depending on the type of hydraulic fluid used in order to meet the specific requirements of the each liquid, among others, with fluids such as "AIR / 3515B" or "AIR / 3520B" or "MIL -PRF-5606" or "MIL-PRF-83282" or "MIL-PRF-87257".
Landing gear valves with exceptionally high level of performances
Schrader Pacific Advanced Valves landing gear valves are produced in a dedicated workshop and they take advantage of an excellent production quality as well as very rigorous functionality controls and tightness controls. The extremely strict controls of each valve carried out at high pressure (80 bar, 100 bar, 280 bar and 350 bar) by our own control workshop guarantee a flawless tightness of all the delivered landing gear valves.
In addition to the design and the manufacturing of landing gear valves, Schrader Pacific Advanced Valves also develops a full range of aircraft wheel inflation valves and hydraulic valves for brake systems.